Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 8 Gasthaus

Another typical day in Vienna. But when studying abroad who is to say what it typical or not? By typical I mean I woke up like any other day, went to class, attempted to go to a museum, and found a nice little restaurant right across the road from my apartment. I guess living in a new country brings all sorts of excitement. Let's start with the museum. Vienna is a fair sized city with a very large amounts of museums. I mean a lot. Being I'm here now, I might as well go to a couple, right? Not to mention there could not be a better chance than when one of the professors is guiding a tour through the museum. Of course it isn't necessarily that easy. The hard part about being in a new city is not knowing where anything is, that includes the meeting place to go to this museum. I ended up wandering around the first district (downtown) Vienna for a good 20 minutes looking for the meeting place. Unfortunately I left 10 minutes before the meeting time. By the time I found the place, it was too late, the tour had left and I was not to see a museum today. No worries, there will be plenty of time for that. Later in the evening my RA decided it would be fun for all of the residents in Jahngasse 25 to go out to eat. She didn't mention that the place was directly across the street. It was a nice little place, and for $13 I got a very nice sized schnizel, a salad, and a glass bottle of coke. Pretty great. Some of the residents thought it would be fun to essentially recreate Cheers and become regulars at this bar. I think my wallet might have an argument with that however. The rest of the day was pretty relaxed. I ran some errands, talked to Megan some, all in all a good day. Until next time Auf Wiedersehen!

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