Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 6 Let the Classes Begin

Today was another doozy of a day. So much to do and so little time to do it! First everyone in the apartment had to make our way to the local police station in order to register our residence in the new apartments. It was a nice simple walk down the streets of Vienna, not too much to be excited about. Following that however was where the fun begins. Because I am not only in a new apartment, but also a new country, I had no food save for a jar of peanut butter, which is supposedly difficult to find here, and a bag of trail mix. So needless to say, I didn't get breakfast this morning. Never fear as the nearest store is about a 5 minute walk from here, no problem. The I had my little grocery list of essentials I would need for my new place, such as milk, butter, jelly, bread, cereal, past and sauce, and the like. All in all I spent 8.60 euros and now have enough food to sort of get by, but I will have to figure out more later on.

Keeping in mind I only own the top row.

As a result, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and another peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner. I need some more food. 

Following the excursion to the local market I once again got to ride the dreaded trains of Vienna. For those who don't know, the Vienna public transportation system works extremely well and everything is perfectly on time. Thankfully this time the RA of our building was showing us how to get to the building where we would be taking classes. This made the ride much less daunting because she is a native Viennese and knows how the system operates.

The Center where classes are held is gorgeous. It is called Palais Corbelli, and it is literally a palace. For those who don't believe me, here are some pictures.

Main entrance

One of the classrooms doorways

Classroom ceiling

One of the many statues

Main entry hallway

It makes for an interesting atmosphere to learn in. After my German class we took a tour of the first district of Vienna, or downtown Vienna. Along the way there were many beautiful buildings, whose pictures will be uploaded at a later time. 

All said and done it was time for my roommate and I to make our way back to our apartment... via train... without assistance or a map... in the dark. Thankfully it was very simple, we got on the train going the way we came from in the morning and withing 30 minutes I was back in my room. That's too bad given the distance I traveled during the time of day.

Tomorrow I will have to head back to the Center for class again but by 12 I will be done and free for the rest of the day.

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